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    Diamonds and Human Security
    Research, education and advocacy to end the trade of conflict diamonds in Africa.

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    Partnership Africa Canada Co-Nominated for 2003 Nobel Peace Prize Print E-mail
    On March 19, 2002, Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada were nominated for the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize. The nomination was made by United States Congressmen Tony P. Hall and Frank R. Wolf, and by US Senator Patrick Leahy, for the efforts that the two organizations have devoted to ending the trade in �conflict diamonds�.

    In their nomination letter, Congressmen Hall and Wolf and Senator Leahy say, in part, �We have worked on the conflict diamonds issue with a broad range of non-governmental organizations, with leaders of the diamond and jewelry industries, with journalists committed to focusing public attention on the blood trade, and with other Members of the United States Congress. We have followed closely the work of some 35 other nations involved in devising and implementing a system of controls on the international trade in rough diamonds. We are convinced that the goal of ending the scourge of conflict diamonds is achievable primarily because of the lengths to which Partnership Africa Canada and Global Witness have gone. They epitomize the commitment, creativity and diligence that should be the hallmark of leadership - whether of non-profit advocacy groups, companies or nations.�

    The Boards of Directors and staff of Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada are greatly honoured by the nomination. Many organizations and individuals are now putting huge efforts into the issue of conflict diamonds - the diamond industry, dozens of governments, the media, politicians, academics and hundreds of civil society organizations. The nomination is recognition that together we have made great strides in recent months, not least in the Kimberley Process. The Kimberley Process is not yet complete, however, and a great deal of work remains for it to become operational and effective.

    In the end, our work is not about an award, and it is not about agreements. It is about putting an end to the horrific wars in Africa that are being fueled by natural resources, and by the apathy that allows them to be traded for weapons and, ultimately, for human lives. Global Witness and PAC will continue to undertake and coordinate research, dialogue and action on conflict diamonds until the issue has been adequately resolved.

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